When forming your short term mission trip team, you might think about who you should ask to join. What kind of people make up a strong mission team? Where do you start as a mission trip leader? Here are some great ideas for the mission...
When forming your short term mission trip team, you might think about who you should ask to join. What kind of people make up a strong mission team? Where do you start as a mission trip leader? Here are some great ideas for the mission...
~ "Working with a reputable ministry partner is ideal." ~ If your ministry is planning to go on an international mission trip, you should consider working with a trusted mission partner who has experience working in the area your trip will take you. If your church...
We're continuing our series on reflecting on high school mission trips. Last week we heard from Cacey, a 20-something who looked back on her youth group mission trip experience to Belize. Read about Cacey's joys, struggles, and hindsight reactions here. This week, we pick the brain of...
If you or your child is involved in youth ministry, going on a mission trip will probably be one of the hallmark experiences of the high school youth group experience. We're taking some time to think through high school mission trips in the next couple of weeks...
Our team has the privilege of attending many missions conferences over the course of the year. Conferences are great - chock-full of amazing information, opportunities to learn, and many new connections and friends. All that means a ton of inspiration, not to mention exhaustion. How do you cope? 1....
Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions by John Piper Let the Nations Be Glad! has become a modern missions classic. A trusted resource for thousands of missionaries, pastors, church leaders, and laypeople, it provides a biblical basis for missions and worship....
Send detailed thank you letters to your supporters. Talk honestly about your experience to trusted friends. Pray for clarity about how to serve at home. Pray for the people you met on the field. Write in your journal. Make a Pressie to share with...
The following is a guest post written by Kayleen Mickelson, a missionary who served in Bolivia. Read on to learn some simple and practical ways to cope with the common stresses of serving abroad. ~~~ Teaching fifth grade for a year in Bolivia with new pressures on me...
~ "People coming from the culture of the 'selfie' can have difficulty shifting focus away from themselves." ~ Selflessness is perhaps the most obvious but most important of the five traits of great mission trip members. Serving is about selflessness, about setting aside your time, energy, and...
~ "Integrity is truly foundational to your service." ~ One often-overlooked trait of a great mission trip member is integrity. Integrity is truly foundational to your service. As a mission trip member, people trust you to work well with their staff, serve the community they love, and respect...