6 Questions: What Happens on Christian Mission Trips

Christian mission trips are incredible experiences! If you’ve never been on one, you may have some questions about what actually happens and what to expect on your trip. To prepare you for the trip ahead, let’s address six questions you might have:
1. Will our travels go smoothly?
Hiccups can happen during travel, especially when traveling internationally with a group. Make sure to give yourself plenty of extra time during transits and prepare as much as you can before you leave. Once you’ve planned, all you can do is roll with the punches as they come!
2. Will we do everything we planned?
Planning your time on the mission field is a great way to use the most of your time, but things don’t always go accordingly. Stormy weather, flat tires, and dehydration are a few mishaps that can unexpectedly shift your itinerary. It’s best to travel with a skeletal plan and keep the details flexible. Flexibility is the key to make the most of your time.
3. Will our missions team get along well?
Team building exercises can help forge your mission team’s synergy before your departure. While on the field, make Christ your goal. Think before you speak. Help where you can, and go with the flow. By showing extra grace and letting your team members exercise their strengths, you’ll allow your team to perform its best.
4. If I raise enough for my trip, will I encounter other costs?
You will likely encounter other expenses if your total trip cost doesn’t include things such as meals or bus tickets. It’s also fun having extra cash for souvenirs. Additionally, you should prepare for unexpected costs in case of an emergency. Because these costs are difficult to estimate, you should bring a credit card with you–just in case.
**The best way to prepare for unexpected costs is to get travel insurance before leaving.**
5. Will I see people come to Christ?
This is the ultimate goal of Christian mission trips. However, not everyone who plants or waters gets to witness the harvest (1 Corinthians 3:6-9). Hudson Taylor, the first missionary to China, is an excellent example. It took Taylor decades of incredible sacrifice and faithful ministry to see any fruitful results, and his ministry continues to this day.
6. Will I come back completely changed?
After a Christian mission trip experience, you’ll likely notice changes in yourself and the world around you. Your worldview may shift, and your walk with the Lord may deepen. Your prayer life may mature and your interest in world affairs may grow. If you recently returned from a mission trip, here’s some advice on how to adjust after a life-changing trip.
Before heading on your first mission trip, ask a veteran about their experience. Setting realistic expectations for your experience will better prepare you for the realities of group travel and international ministry.
Are you heading on a mission trip soon? Here are some tips on how to make your trip more affordable.
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